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Reef Aquaria

Squareback Anthias

Squareback Anthias

Regular price $125.00
Regular price Sale price $125.00
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Due to its unique color variation, the Squareback Anthias is also known as the Squarespot, Purple Blotch Basslet, Squareblock, Square, or Mirror Anthias. The body of the female is predominantly yellow with a lavender belly, and often a thin blue line extending from nose to pectoral fin. Males are predominantly pink with a lavender belly and have a lighter rectangular shape on the side.

This variety of Anthias does best in an aquarium with low, indirect lighting or its brilliant colors will fade. Although preferring to remain at the mid-tank level, they have been found at depths up to 600 feet in the wild. A 100 gallon tank will suffice for one fish, however, if keeping a group, a 180 gallon tank should be used since the Squareback Anthias appreciates plenty of room to swim.

Anthias species all share the trait of being hermaphroditic. If a dominant male perishes, the largest female of the group will often morph to take its place.

Once acclimated to a new aquarium, Anthias do best when fed a varied diet of frozen mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and over time may eat high-quality flake foods offered in small quantities throughout the day. An attached refugium cultivating copepods and amphipods provides a steady supply of nutritious live food sure to keep this active planktivore content.

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